This is not a post and the cake is a lie.

Game: You cannot open this door without a key. Me: See, I have this grenade launcher and… Game: No. You need a key. Me: But I also have this lock pick set so I was thinking… Game: No! You can’t! It’s a key, a gold key with this crown on it, real old timey looking.… Continue reading This is not a post and the cake is a lie.

So, I’ve been nominated for an Entertainer Blogger Award

Thank you pokeninja90 over at Nice Job Breaking it, Hero! I am very addicted to this blog. It’s like the reddit of otome news, anything new coming out, this blogger has the skinny on it. This blogger also updates frequently and regularly so there is always something new to read about. Pop in and visit,… Continue reading So, I’ve been nominated for an Entertainer Blogger Award