Theory of Fear Review

What the f… Did I just play??? Theory of fear is a Russian game made by psychopaths, rapists   ANASTASI SUKHONOSOVA. It’s a dark fantasy where you are born a nephilim…or crazy. We don’t know, but time will tell with these effed up endings, won’t it?! In Soviet Russia, game rape you. (Ducky just saw me write… Continue reading Theory of Fear Review

Game review, but not really.

Game reviewer litmus test: Take a drink every time you have to do a ‘lesson’ in a mobile game. Take a drink every time you need to greet a ‘friend’. No wonder I can’t review mobile games, they have too much bs to deal with for me to remember anything. …Also I’ve been brickfaced, apparently.

So, I’ve been nominated for an Entertainer Blogger Award

Thank you pokeninja90 over at Nice Job Breaking it, Hero! I am very addicted to this blog. It’s like the reddit of otome news, anything new coming out, this blogger has the skinny on it. This blogger also updates frequently and regularly so there is always something new to read about. Pop in and visit,… Continue reading So, I’ve been nominated for an Entertainer Blogger Award